Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Good Evening!

Atlantis... how I wonder about thee. Are you nearby? Are you feeling fine? Did we find you? Atlantis... your powerful energy is so strong, a power so strong I can feel it. Are you here already hiding in the ether? Amazing rays are spitting out in front of my eyes. Colorful as a color should be. Bright as the Sun up in the sky. Let the glorious sight emerge as the unexpected surprise materializes.    

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Good Evening!

I would love to have a good surprise. Not the kind that make me sad, the kind that would make me jump with joy. See... I've been busy shopping around on the net for some information on how to get noticed. I mean in the literary field, such as getting to know some of the publishers out there. I know I need to get a literary agent and will if I need to. Yeah, I have a publisher, just need to move forward into the real world.